As soon as we told the Rainbow Whales that we would be visiting the library to research more about bees, the ...
This is a holiday that Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Singaporean, Malaysian, Filipino and Indonesian cultures celebrate. This week we learned about ...
Since returning to school in January, the Pizza Donuts have been fascinated by making connections to one another’s names! This began during ...
The Rainbow Whales have been experimenting with light recently. The students have been thinking about the difference between artificial and natural ...
Of course we all know how important our names are to who we ...
We recently incorporated small group work/activities into our weekly schedule. Every week the children in each small group have an opportunity to ...
Though much of the documentation you interact with is teacher created (including this post!), the ...
Unit blocks are an open-ended material with endless possibilities. As children engage with blocks, we ...
‘Tis the season for gratitude and giving! At Barrow, the Winter Holiday Drive for Greenwich House is a fun ...
When considering learning, it is common for the focus to be on the products that children create and ...
The Silver Room Pizza Donuts have been so excited about our recent addition of classroom jobs. Each week, every child will have one of our 11 ...
In the Green Room, snack time has become more than simply eating. The teachers and children have taken this opportunity to get to know each other, ...
Since the beginning of the year, the children in the Green Room have been practicing voting. We’ve discussed ...
One of my favorite Barrow traditions is choosing a class name. We have spent a few weeks together, building a community and getting to know each ...
We’ve had a wonderful start to our year in the Yellow Room! Over the past few months, our class has been getting to know each other and ...
Over the past few weeks, we have been venturing out into the neighborhood in small groups as well as to the Music ...
Imagine 4-year-old Cate, who cannot yet recognize her name. The world around her is filled with ...
Each year as Fall begins, the art room transforms from a BLANK CANVAS into an evolving rainbow of colors and new ideas.The structure of the next ...
JIM SPERBER began his art career after graduating from the California Institute of the Arts in 1994. His abstract paintings are simple and complex at ...
On Thursday, May 27th, the Rainbows embarked on a special mission – raise money for Habitat for Humanity. The task incorporated their love of ...
The Joy of Planting by Anna Campbell (2017)
It has been a special experience to watch the children observe, in real-time, the process of ...
We all start off the year making wishes for our children? Whatever those wishes were, we hope they came true in their classrooms, connections, ...
I love black lights. In college I wrote an entire two books of a journal in highlighter while bathed in the purple glow. It was this experience ...
Could simple story-telling boost all sorts of academic and social development in young ...
This week we began our final countdown to the last day of school. We have several routines and traditions we use to mark the end of our year ...
A few weeks ago, our early drop-off friends noticed Kim getting ready for an exciting project with the 4s/5s — glue suncatchers! In true Silver ...
There is a lot of depth in the art of Basquiat. I go into the social commentary a bit, talking about the role of his mostly black figures being ...
As the Purple friends have grown more creative with their vast block creations, we noticed the children making all types of boats more often then ...
What a year it has been! As we send out our final Spotlight of the year, we find ourselves reflecting on the ...
Silver Room friends delight in opportunities to tap into their imaginations and create rich and elaborate stories! During a small group, some ...
This week, the Super Lollipops began their Kindergarten Research Project. Last week, during our first research session, the Super Lollipops listed ...
After learning about the science of sinking and floating, The Skeletonsattempted to make boats ...
This week, the Super Lollipops took our first of four visits to the Hudson Park Library! We were the first to arrive at the library for the day, and ...
This week in the gym the Excavators were overjoyed to revisit a favorite material: the parachute! As teachers, we love utilizing the parachute to ...
Upon returning from break, we reached a review point in our Handwriting curriculum where the children were ...
This week in science, The Super Lollipops were asked to predict whether certain items would float or sink in ...
A while back, we read The Magical Yet, a book about a kid who is trying to learn to ride a bike. She becomes very frustrated by the challenges ...
While Kayla was away student teaching, the Super Lollipops made a list of ideas for our Dramatic Play center. They then worked with Brian to sort the ...
We’ve learned about LINE, COLOR and SHAPE so we’re clearly ready to move on to ...
Last week each of the children sent a letter home in the mail! Going on a neighborhood walk, even a small one to the mailbox, is valuable for feeling ...
Not everyone sees color the same way. Of course, we may have heard of red/green color blindness, but even for people who see the entire spectrum, ...
On your child’s recent Early Learning Summary we shared individual goals for your child, consider this post an Early Learning ...
At our monthly full faculty meetings, teaching teams take turns sharing about a new curricular development in their classroom. It was our turn this ...
Class started with a review of ABSTRACT vs. REALISTIC, LINE and COLOR, before moving onto ...
Since September, the Purple Room friends have become expert explorers of their classroom environment. The children navigate the classroom with ...
“Writing stories gives children a sense not only of what they can do as writers, but also what they can do in the world … It gives them a ...
The Super Lollipops wanted to make s’mores. Since this was science class, we had to be scientific critical ...
The Rainbows wanted to learn more about the habitat where Waddles, the class penguin, would ...
Since returning from break, the Rainbow Sprinkles have shown a truly insatiable interest in writing, drawing, and letter identification. We’ve ...
During our Thursday Morning Meeting, we asked your Super Lollipops “What is a family?” Some answers ...
Over the last few weeks The Skeletons have been working on a project where they glued different sized bones (q-tips) to fill in their silhouette. The ...
Have the Space Pups ever told you just how much they love playing doctor at school? Since December, the class has been interested in doctors, ...
Lines are everywhere. Whether you are making an abstract or realistic piece of art, lines are the main ...
After the cave kickoff, I like to start the second semester, (Foundations of Art 101 ;-))class with a simple distinction between abstract and ...
In the yellow room we create tiny worlds to play inside. We play with light, shapes, characters, and create our own stories. In the yellow room we ...
While Kayla was away student teaching, the Super Lollipops made a list of ideas for our Dramatic Play center. They then worked with Brian to sort the ...
Starting this week, Leemie will be joining the Super Lollipops at home for a weekend visit every ...
Over the past few weeks, we have been introducing board games to the friends in the Purple Room. Board games are a fun way to practice many tricky ...
Earlier in the year, we shared about our “third teacher,” the physical environment. Since our return from Winter Break, our classroom setup has ...
The Skeletons have been exploring winter and snow in habitats similar to those where they live in New York ...
The Super Lollipops wanted to explore the science of cooking and baking. They have set up a kitchen in dramatic ...
As the children are all progressing with their writing, we wanted to call attention to line. If we think about forming letters and ...
Since returning from winter break, the Purple friends have been ringing in the new year with some new and exciting materials. For our first class ...
The kids had a blast in the Hot Chocolate Stand we setup in Dramatic Play prior to break. However, upon returning we felt like we needed to refresh ...
We have jumped right back into the swing of things after our winter break! We wanted to share some updates, photos, and a preview of what’s ...
The toddler years are a time of rapid growth. So much happens in such a short time, which is why it can be so ...
The children acted out different parts of the story and practiced balancing the crown on their heads ...
To celebrate the end of the semester and all of the 4/5s’ interest in precipitation, we made snow globes in science. Measuring, pouring, ...
The Rainbows have been exploring what it means to NEED something, and what it means to WANT. We kicked off this inquiry by reading one of our ...
Recently, the Purple Room friends have been hard at work playing, exploring materials, and learning new things. A few weeks ago, we wanted to more ...
Reporting to you today from the Yellow Room. We hope you enjoy reading this post with your kiddos like a little newspaper about today’s events. ...
This week, we had our first Nutcracker rehearsal class with Miss Wendy from the American Ballet Theatre. In preparation for our first class, the ...
Last week in science, the Super Lollipops made observational drawings of the plants on the ...
The Rainbows continued their exploration of the water cycle by examining clouds and their saturation ...
The Orange Room spent Science on the roof, exploring the plants which are able to withstand the cooler weather ...
In recent weeks we have begun an exploration of music with our Purple Room Cookies! We first noticed the group’s interest in music in the ways ...
This week we began reading stories and having conversations that focused specifically on friendship and feelings. We observed that many of the ...
In the Yellow Room we use literature to explain big ideas, prompt play, and make connections. When reading aloud with children we talk about ...
• Prewriting/Writing – by learning prewriting strokes, grasp ...
The Red Room students have continued their exploration of rainbows, color, and light using prisms. Last week, ...
By the 3s/4s year, students have had some practice choosing and voting on a class name. In the 2s/3s, the students learn what voting means and how to ...
“There are colors we cannot see, but they are connected to the ones we can. There’s a connection between ...
For the past three weeks, the Blue Room students have continued their exploration of the ...
Art encompasses so many areas of development. It’s a form of communication and a way to express one’s ideas and feelings. It can be a social ...
As a part of the annual Barrow tradition, the Purple Room friends have been busy working to name our classroom for the 2023-2024 school year. Over ...
In the Reggio Emilia approach, Loris Malaguzzi named three teachers of children – adults, other children, and the physical environment. The ...
It is autumn in the city, that time when all things pumpkin start to arrive in our lives… and into Barrow classrooms. To honor the lovely ...
Continuing their exploration of rainbows in science today, the Red Room students delved deeper into how ...
In science, the Orange Room has been on a mission to learn more about playdough. The ...
A key component of our literacy curriculum is the children’s individual dictionaries. Once a week, each child gets to work one-on-one with a ...
As we continue to settle into school, we wanted to take some time to reflect on how children have been interacting with blocks. Unit blocks are an ...
For this week’s update, we wanted to highlight our ongoing exploration of Cotton Balls and Sandpaper! Let us explain…
At this Thursday’s Back to School Night you will have the opportunity to “meet and greet” your child’s beloved BSNS ...
Let’s start by exploring how this might be experienced from the child’s perspective. Imagine 4-year-old Cate who ...
In anticipation of the event, the DEI committee would like to share some resources with you to use with your children to learn more about our Barrow ...
The green room has been thinking about what we could make using all of the extra bananas we had. We decided to make a list for our cooking ...
I was first introduced to the idea of a “thinking bubble” way back in 2021 by our good friend (and magical guide in all things early education!) ...
In the beginning of the school year, we had two books on our bookshelf that featured the moon: A Big Mooncake for Little Star by Grace Lin and ...
During Goodbye Meeting each day, the Orange Room comes together to create a journal entry for our days adventures. Take a look:
Each year as we get to know one another and our new classroom, we think about ways we can ensure that everyone in the Red Room can feel safe and have ...
In addition to our monthly newsletter, we will be posting a story that highlights an activity and the learning ...
“The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.”
As we embark on this journey of learning and growing together, it is our hope that we can create an environment where we encourage a sense of ...
In addition to the weekly questions we’ll offer focused on current goings on, we also wanted to provide some general questions that might help ...
Since the beginning of the school year, the friends in the Purple Room have been easing into their new classroom and school routines! They have been ...
“A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man ...
During a recent visit to the Hudson Park Library, the Orange Room learned about planned cuts to the ...
To a preschooler, curriculum can be a funny word. Maybe even a tongue twister, however to teachers and parents it seems to be a word we all take ...
Each small group consists of four-six children and one teacher. Small groups by their nature encourage
Spring is in the air! Upon returning from spring break, The Purple Unicorns revisited many fun activities and embarked on new and exciting ...
Where does ice cream come from, and how was it made? Some of the students’ ...
Thank you for helping us celebrate Valentine’s Day! The children enjoyed filling the bags we decorated with our ...
Although I was a biologist in a former life, there’s nothing I enjoy exploring more with children than the physical world. I have always been ...
We wanted to take an opportunity to share a quick recap about power play, big bodied play, and rough and tumble play: ...
On Friday, Samson treated the Unicorn class to a story about a girl named Tiana and her bear, Bach. Tiana loved Bach ...
Each day the children participate in Open Time. This portion of the school day provides our “Unicorns” ...
“No Act of Kindness , No Matter How Small, Is ever Wasted” The Lion and the ...
This week we introduced our new morning message, which has become a permanent fixture in our morning routine and in ...
We traditionally begin the second semester in the art room with the CAVE. It provides the kids with imaginary ...
Happy New Year, Green Room Families! This week, as we settled back into classroom life, we took the time to revisit ...
This fall, we launched a community-based curricular project to both broaden our understanding of
With the Winter Holiday season already here, we wanted to shed some light on the ways Barrow teachers facilitate ...
How do hands communicate? Think of some words you might use to describe your hands. For my own I think of my work as ...
The Super Powerful Kids have been exploring what it means to NEED something, and what it means to WANT. We kicked off ...
As you know, for the past two weeks, we have been sharing your children’s name stories with the class! (Thank ...
In late November, The Yellow Room got mail… from the Orange ...
Kyleigh and I had the pleasure of co-teaching the science of movement for two weeks this fall. In the second week, we ...
Kyleigh and I had the pleasure of co-teaching the science of movement for two weeks this fall. In the first week, we ...
Having officially taken on the name of The Super Lollipops, we turned our attention towards the next step in our ...
‘Tis the season for gratitude and giving! At Barrow, the Pajama Drive is a fun and accessible way for the whole family to participate in an act of ...
For those who weren’t able to join us last week for our first Social Justice Storytime of the year, don’t worry! Here is a recap of some ...
It has been such a busy start to the year. Science with the 4/5s has been an ongoing adventure: the children have actively used their imagination, ...
For the past several weeks, many classrooms at Barrow have begun to engage in a yearly tradition that is near and dear to our community — ...
As children are settling into the routines of the White Room, they’re making this space their ...
Children have come into this year already knowing a lot about school. They are familiar with the school spaces, they have a basic understanding of ...
You heard that right! The Red Room has chosen their new class name: THE SUPER POWERFUL KIDS! Here’s a little ...
As you have undoubtedly heard and seen, your children have something a little atypical about how their names are ...
Each year as the Fall begins, the art room starts to transform from a BLANK CANVAS (113 of them to be exact) into an ...
It is hard to believe we are already weeks into the school year. As we make our journey through the separation ...
The West Village is filled with local heritage, cultures, landscapes, opportunities, and experiences that can be used as the foundation for all kinds ...
Much of the work we engaged in this week surrounded separation and saying goodbye. This lifelong practice of coming and going, being together and ...
A central party of each and every day is Hello Meeting. It is a key component in our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) curriculum and is essential to ...
Today, we introduced the Orange Room friends to a new routine: Morning Jobs. Each morning upon arriving at school, they are tasked with completing ...
Hi folks! I’m Ari, Barrow’s new Diversity, Equity, and ...
It has been an exciting first week of school in the Yellow Room! These first connections are the origin from which a year’s worth of rich ...
During a series of joint movement/science classes in the winter, the PreK students worked together to outline their bodies as one step in learning ...
Highlighters and blacklight: two things that kids will get more familiar with as the go on in school, one probably being more fun than the other. ...
As part of a photography exploration, the Silver Room friends have been going on walking trips over the past few weeks to explore and document the ...
Gender stereotypes are everywhere. They pop up through conversations, rolechoices in games, and activity preferences in the classroom. Have you ever ...
Recently, your children may have come home talking about their “jobs” at school. For the first half of the year, Nicki and I worked to set clear ...