A Day in the White Room

As children are settling into the routines of the White Room, they’re making this space their own.

We want to share some of that with you through this documentation of a typical schedule.

Let’s start the school day!

Open Time 

After arriving and washing their hands, we begin with Open Time. During Open Time, children connect with teachers and peers over their play ideas, and they negotiate the use of space and materials.


Let’s take care of our classroom by cleaning up! Children are developing confidence and agency in knowing where things belong.

Hello Meeting

“The Hello Train is coming, how are you? Choo choo!” Children are beginning to recognize songs and sing or move along. Do you hear your child singing songs they learned at school? 

Washing Hands

One at a time, children wash their hands for snack time. They are working hard on self-care skills, including pushing up their sleeves, turning the sink on and off by themselves, getting paper towels, drying their own hands, and using the trash can. They are also learning how to wait for a turn to wash. We support them through singing turn-taking songs that mark the transition, as well as “waiting chairs” in the bathroom. 

Snack Time

After hand washing, children sit down for a snack. Recent options have included berries, apples, cucumbers, and a variety of crackers, including rice cakes, Annie’s bunnies, pretzels, and more. Children are encouraged to share and discuss their likes and dislikes. Teachers may model language to describe the food, such as crunchy, sweet, juicy, and crumbly. Yum!


Children are learning to trust teachers to change their diapers and help them on the potty. Some are more ready than others to allow us into this vulnerable experience. Every child has different levels of comfort around bathrooming at school, and we will always honor that. 


In the fall, we have music with Ozan. Children have been exploring shakers, scarves, and the frame drum. Music is a language that connects with many of the children, and it often brings out their silly side. We love singing “Kokoleoko” and “Frère Jacques” with Ozan! 

Gross Motor

Children have been exploring our gross motor spaces: the gym, the roof, and the track. In those spaces, children run, jump, climb, throw balls, go down the slides, and so much more. They can move their bodies, take appropriate risks, and get their sillies out!

Goodbye Meeting

“Goodbye, see you later, later alligator, after a while, crocodiles, goodbye for now.” We gather one last time to sing a few songs, ending with the all-important Goodbye Song. This is the conclusion to our day and offers a sense of closure, routine, and predictability.

Throughout the day, children are actively creating a community and developing a sense of self in the process. This is the arc of Being, Belonging, and Expressing, which we discussed at Back to School Night, in action!