
Using observation, documentation, and meaningful assessment to create differentiated learning experiences.

We emphasize observation, documentation, and assessment. Our educators act as researchers, using classroom time and special classes to better understand how each child in our program experiences the world. Observations are shared using a multilayered approach that includes the following documentation:



Storypark uses narrative-driven documentation to provide glimpses into every child’s school experience. Each story is a snapshot of a moment. Teachers observe and record as children make meaning, solve problems, build theories, and activate their imagination. Teachers draw insights with guidance from a series of key questions:

What did you see?
A learning story includes careful listening and observing. The narrative can be a collection of photographs, videos, artifacts, and anecdotal recordings, taken together to communicate what children are experiencing, achieving, and working toward.

What does it mean?
Our teachers draw connections between words, actions, and stages of development, identifying patterns, highlighting areas of interest, and recognizing common play partners.

How can you expand on this area of exploration?
Teachers ask questions to help reveal next steps, identify areas for future opportunities, and introduce new materials that can be used to extend each child’s chosen learning path.

How did you influence this exploration, and would you have done anything differently?
Teachers have a chance to reflect on their strategies, choices, and learning outcomes.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences are formally arranged twice each year, usually in November and late April/early May. These conversations allow for exchange between families and teaching teams, and the sharing of anecdotes and observed developmental progress. Additional meetings between parents and teachers can be arranged as needed.

Early Learning Summaries and End-of-Year Reflections

The Early Learning Summary (ELS) is a written report on your child provided mid-year (early February).
This report takes into account the range of development that has been observed in each child thus far in the year. In depth assessment requires teachers to reflect on changes in children’s learning and behavior over time and to create curriculum accordingly to meet developmental learning goals. The StoryPark portfolio and other informal observation records provide the data for the information included in the summary report.

The End-of-Year Reflection serves as a summary of a learning year, a celebration of all that has been accomplished, and a personal farewell from classroom teachers. This piece is written in narrative form, and is shared with parents via Storypark in June.

Wall Documentation

There is tremendous value in publicly documenting the work our students do. Our bulletin boards spotlight student projects and, even more importantly, showcase student processes. Pictures, charts, schedules, and graphs tell the story of each classroom. These stories are told both inside and outside of our classrooms, giving parents a window into each day, inspiring other teachers, and providing visitors with a sense of who we are as an educational community.

We Believe

Education promotes responsibility & develops character

Additional Programs

Nursery School

Learning at the intersection of intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development.

Special Classes

Large-group, small-group, and individual activities in science, music, movement, the arts and more.

Extended Day

Early drop-off, midday enrichment, lunch bunch, afterschool playgroup, and more.


Using observation, documentation, and meaningful assessment to create differentiated learning experiences.

Community Engagement

Incorporating community, promoting responsibility and developing character through service learning, collection drives, and more.

Sample Day

Get a first hand look at a day in the life of a Barrow Street family.