Small Group

We recently incorporated small group work/activities into our weekly schedule. Every week each small group has an opportunity to explore with materials and work on an activity independently or collaboratively in the classroom. These activities and materials range from open-ended to structured. Our small groups were created with the intention to invite the children to have a shared experience in an intimate setting and to foster social interaction, cooperation, and creativity.

Each small group consists of four-six children and one teacher. Small groups by their nature encourage friendships between children who do not normally play together. This can help create a more inclusive atmosphere within the classroom. We will switch up the makeup of the groups regularly to help new friendships to form and to expose the children to the concept of working with different friends.

Cooperation is also taught through the children’s small group activities. By working in a small group with just a few of their peers towards a common goal, children will further develop their cooperation skills, conversation skills, and discover how to share and be fair. Through small group activities, they are learning that they sometimes have to compromise.

Let’s make a Butterfly!

After reading the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and observing the caterpillar change into a beautiful butterfly, our Unicorn friends thought it would be fun for us to make a butterfly!

The table was set up with Markers, paint, Clothespins, Pipe cleaner, and Coffee filters

We fold the coffee filters in half.

We painted one side of the coffee filter.

After painting half of the coffee filter we fold the coffee filter, to create fun symmetry, then allow the paint to dry.

We then, allow the paint to dry for a few days.

We then squish the coffee filter in the middle to look like butterfly wings.


Then clip the clothespin in the middle.

Then clip the clothespin where it is squished up.

Add a small piece of pipe cleaner for the antennas!

Now enjoy your beautiful Butterfly 🙂