Special Classes

Large-group, small-group, and individual activities in science, music, movement, the arts and more.

The Barrow Street special classes experience is built on balance between focus and fun, between active time and quiet time and between small-group and large-group activities. Our Special Classes apply this balance to a full selection of immersive, creative, and constructive activities.



  • Learn fine motor skills, gross motor skills, and basic motor planning coordination.
  • Activities include creative movement, musical movement, yoga, and physical education.
  • Children refine their physical capabilities through gymnastics, rhythmic movement, object handling, and more.
  • Children in our Toddler, 2s/3s, 3s/4s and 4s/5s classes are eligible to participate in this class.


  • Learn about the world and the self through physical discovery, interaction, and exploration.
  • Activities focus on rhythm and pitch, experimenting with a varied range of instruments, and expanding musical vocabulary.
  • Children learn how to make their voices and bodies work together through song and movement.
  • Children in our Toddler, 2s/3s, 3s/4s and 4s/5s classes are eligible to participate in this class.


  • Learn how to create three-dimensional visual art with a teacher from The Pottery School at Greenwich House.
  • Activities include pottery, painting, and sculpting in a self-paced, hands-on learning environment.
  • Children develop the skills to conceive, construct, realize, and share artistic ideas with others.
  • Children in our 2s/3s, 3s/4s and 4s/5s classes are eligible to participate in this class.


  • Learn how to develop long-term creative projects while working in a dedicated art room.
  • Activities include prolonged artistic investigations and movement-based experiences.
  • Children experience developmentally appropriate, project-based creativity in an immersive learning environment.
  • Children in our 3s/4s and 4s/5s classes are eligible to participate in this class.


  • Learn coordination, refine agility, and develop physical awareness in our Winter Workshops conducted by The American Ballet Theatre.
  • Activities include dance, movement, and a climactic field trip for students and families to the American Ballet Theatre.
  • Children in our 3s/4s and 4s/5s classes are eligible to participate in this special program.


  • Learn about the natural world through interaction with objects, people, and other living things.
  • Activities include experimenting, planting, creating, and cooking.
  • Children make predictions, explore possibilities, and document their findings.
  • Children in our 4s/5s class are eligible to participate in this class.

Structure is important for young children. We offer daily and weekly routines that make it easy for students to predict the sequence of each day. See sample class schedule.

We Believe

Education promotes responsibility & develops character

Additional Programs

Nursery School

Learning at the intersection of intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development.

Special Classes

Large-group, small-group, and individual activities in science, music, movement, the arts and more.

Extended Day

Early drop-off, midday enrichment, lunch bunch, afterschool playgroup, and more.


Using observation, documentation, and meaningful assessment to create differentiated learning experiences.

Community Engagement

Incorporating community, promoting responsibility and developing character through service learning, collection drives, and more.

Summer Program

Bringing students together with their classmates and our own trusted teachers for an amazing summer program experience.

Sample Day

Get a first hand look at a day in the life of a Barrow Street family.