Since the beginning of the year, the children in the Green Room have been practicing voting. We’ve discussed what “vote” means as well as how we decide the “winner”. Some quotes from the children:
“A vote is picking something”
“It means which one is the best”
“Which one you like”
“Which one we will make”
In the Green Room we mostly vote for what we will cook the following week in school. We now know that the winner is the choice with the most votes! Voting regularly in the class helps us to be a democratic community that values the opinions and choices of all of our members. It also allows for the children to have agency in their experiences in school.
As you all know, picking a class name is a tradition at Barrow Street that the entire community looks forward to! With all the voting we’ve already done, the children were experts when it came to voting for a class name. We had two rounds because of course they had many ideas!
The first list was as follows:
The Animals
The Toys
The Blocks
The Kitchens
The Crayons
The Chalks
The Cupcakes
Orange Juice
The Purses
The Pastas
The Cough Drops
Sprinkle Pancakes
Pizza Balloonies
French Fries
Cheese Quesadillas
After the first round of voting, we were left with Pizza Balloonies, Pastas, French Fries, Cheese Quesadillas, and Rainbows.
And the winner is …… The Rainbows!