The Countdown Begins

This week we began our final countdown to the last day of school. We have several routines and traditions we use to mark the end of our year together, including:


1.) Creating a countdown paper chain to visually represent the number of days left together


2.) Posting a partial June calendar alongside the May calendar so the kids can see all the important days upcoming


3.) Creating an End-of-Year Wish List of experiences to share before the year ends


4.) Creating a class phone book to create a tangible reminder of the kids’ ability to stay in touch with one another


5.) Planning special “See You Later” events for the various teachers we’ve worked with this year


We started Monday as that day represented exactly 16 days until the last day, meaning each child (plus Leemie) will have a chance to complete the Countdown Routine, including removing a link from the chain, counting those that remain, and crossing the relevant number off the chart. This also gives us time and space to support everyone’s response to the upcoming transition and avoids it feeling like all that change is happening at once on the last day.


The Wish List included a Pajama Day (May 31), walking trip for soft-serve ice cream (TBD), and celebrating birthdays of the various class “pets”. So, just as we have been for the first 140+ days of school, we will be busy busy busy during the days that remain!

Questions to Ask Your Super Lollipop


1. How many days of school are left? How do you know?


2. What advice do you have for Ozan has he gets ready for a new school?


3. What words start with S? How many did you add to your list?


4. What is your new school’s mascot? What mascots will your friends have?