A peek into the Purple Room…

Since the beginning of the school year, the friends in the Purple Room have been easing into their new classroom and school routines! They have been learning the Purple Room schedule, trying Specials for the first time, and reconnecting with old and new friends. For our first classroom update, we wanted to invite you to step inside for a closer look at a typical day in the Purple Room!


Open Time is how we start and end our day in the Purple Room. During Open Time the children are provided with activities and materials to foster learning through play and exploration! Play helps them to problem solve, make connections, and take safe risks. Materials available may include varying art projects, building manipulatives, or sensory activities.


Meeting is our time to gather as a whole group and greet each other! This structured group time fosters the children’s growing sense of belonging and also works to build their attention spans as they practice participating in a group conversation and taking turns. During our Hello Meeting, we discuss the schedule for the day so the children have an understanding of what to expect.


Each day we offer a snack to the children, some days as a whole group and some days as a “choice” in smaller groups. This time supports the development of the children’s self-help skills, including self-advocacy—”I want more crackers”—washing hands, and cleaning up after themselves. Snack also serves as an opportunity to develop language skills, giving the children an informal time to talk with their classmates and teachers. This week the children have been practicing putting their dirty dishes in the dish bin, pouring out extra water, and throwing away unwanted food scraps. After snack, we read books independently on the rug.


Each day the children are given opportunities to develop their gross motor skills! We regularly visit the gym, tricycle track, and the roof. The children have already had a chance to explore all of these spaces.


This year in the Purple Room, we have four “Specials” classes! These include Movement with Kyleigh, Marvelous Materials with Jahidah, Music with Ozan, and Pottery with Pottery Dave! Our Specials help to support our gross and fine motor skills, language development, and creative expression. Transitioning from different activities and teachers helps to support the children’s flexibility, self-help skills, and independence, too. We also have Movement and Music in half groups, which gives us the opportunity to work in small groups while one-half of the class is in their special. Some specials take place in the classroom, while others require exploring other areas of the school like the library, hallways, and Movement room! Here is a sneak peek


Every day, we come together to say goodbye to our friends on the rug! We might use this time to reflect on the day’s experiences, share memories, or sing songs together. This is an important time to help close out our time in the Purple Room and help the children transition to the next part of their day, whether they are going home, heading to enrichment classes, or lunch bunch. Some of our favorite songs already include, “The Goldfish,” by Laurie Berkner, “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt,” and many other Purple Room/Barrow classics.